Gunicorn - A Powerful Python WSGI Application Server

Understanding Gunicorn, Its Features, and How to Use It

When deploying a Python web application, you need a robust and efficient application server to handle incoming requests. One of the most popular choices is Gunicorn (Green Unicorn), a Python WSGI application server known for its simplicity, speed, and reliability.

Gunicorn is widely used in production environments to serve Django, Flask, and other WSGI applications. It acts as a middleware between a web server (like Nginx or Apache) and your Python application, efficiently managing multiple worker processes to handle concurrent requests.

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uWSGI - A High-Performance Application Server

Understanding uWSGI, Its Features, and How to Use It


When deploying Python web applications in production, having a reliable and efficient application server is crucial. One of the most powerful and flexible solutions available is uWSGI—a robust WSGI application server that supports Python and many other languages.

uWSGI is known for its high performance, extensive feature set, and flexibility. It can be used to serve Flask, Django, and other WSGI applications while integrating seamlessly with web servers like Nginx and Apache.

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